A Century of
Belgian Horses, Maurice Telleen. The history, development
and breeding of Belgian horses in the United States up to 1989. 499
pages, 900 photos & illustrations. Soft cover. 8 ½ x 11"
out of print - I have one copy left in stock. $75 |
Clay Maier had a series of
3 DVD sets but they are no longer available. The following DVD is the
only one left.
Introduction to Long Reins
"Long reining, long lining or ground driving" a training technique by
different names. This works well for young horses and the older horse.
$67 2 DVD set $8
s/h |
Doc Hammill's Horsemanship Video Series - Fundamentals I
& II
Hammill DVM and Tom Triplett, Master Horseman Gentle, effective
techniques for driving and working horses in harness. Fundamentals One:
An introduction to the fundamentals of driving & working horses in
harness including. commands, communicating with the lines, collars,
harness, bits, harnessing, hitching and more. 2 hour DVD
Doc Hammill's Horsemanship Video Series Fundamentals II
Doc Hammill DVM and Tom
Triplett, Master Horseman. Gentle, effective techniques for driving
and working horses in harness. Fundamentals Two: A continuation of the
first tape plus harness adjustment, adjusting team lines, discussion of
bits, fitting collars, intro to mowing, skidding logs and more. 2 hour
Fundamentals I and II for
$89.95 + $9 s/h |
Doc Hammill's
Horsemanship Video Series III
& IV
Doc Hammill DVM and Tom
Triplett, Master Horseman. Hooking up lines, harness, pulling and
holding back, foot care, attaching doubletrees and more.
Fundamentals III and
IV for $89.95 + $9 s/h |
Doc Hammill's Teaching Horses
to Drive A Ten Step Method. Communicating in the horse's own
language leads to better understanding and allows the horse to feel safe
and comfortable which in turns helps them to succeed. 10 easy steps
produces calm, comfortable, willing, dependable driving horses, mules,
ponies and donkeys.
$89.95 - 2 DVD set 3 ½ hours |
Draft Horse
Images Robert Mischka All color photos with stories about several
top shows, the Circus parade, famous hitches and events that use the
draft horses at work and show. Soft cover. 160 pages. 8 ½ X 11"
Horse Primer Maurice Telleen. A Guide to the selection,
care and use of work horses and mules today. Great for beginners. Many
illustrations with black & white photos. 386 pages. This book is now out
of print but I have found a used copy.
$50 used copy |
Draft Horses Today
Robert Mischka The best book for contemporary information in full
color showing the used of draft horses and mules in North America. 176
pages, 290 color photos. Hard Cover. 8 ½ X 11"
$32.95 + $12 s/h |
Farming with Horses Steve Bowers & Marlen Steward New
book with lots of helpful information on harness, collars, hitching your
horse to implements, how to maintain lateral and longitudinal alignment
with proper rein grip, and more. All color photos and illustrations. 160
pages, 8 ½ X 11" Steve also has a series of video and DVDs on driving
and training.
$21.95 |
Horse Drawn Plows and Plowing Lynn Miller. Everything
you have ever wanted to know about this subject. Profusely illustrated.
It's another great book by this author. 366 pages. Soft cover. 8 ½ X
$45.00 + $14 s/h
The Horsedrawn Mower
Book: Restoration & Operation of McCormick #9 Mowers,
Lynn Miller The title should tell you all you need to know except
that Mr. Miller has created another "gotta have" book for people who are
using the #9 mowers with their horses. How to operate, upgrade, repair
and maintain the mower. He also has chapters on the John Deere and other
mowers. Big 352 pages, 8
½ x 11" approx. Soft Cover.
$45.00 + $14 s/h |
It's Showtime
A Beginner's Guide to Showing Draft Horses. Robert Mischka 1998
This book covers grooming, transporting, shoeing, braiding manes &
tails, and what the judge is looking for. 140 black & white photos. 128
pages. Hardcover
$21.95 |
Selecting, Training, and Using Draft
Horses Merle Saxon A helpful booklet for newcomers to
draft horses to choose the draft horse breeds and how to use them. Black and white photos. 46 pages. 7 X 9"
$10.00 |
They Did It With Horses
A collection of over 400 photos from the early 1900s showing horses at
work doing their many tasks. Hardcover. 8 ½ X 11"
$28.95 |
Training Workhorses/
Training Teamsters 2nd edition, Lynn Miller The first part is on
training and correcting problems. The second part teaches the craft of
driving. 350 pages. Soft cover 8 ½ X 11" Now in color!
+ $14 s/h
Waverly Midwest Horse Sale DVD a Video-Mike
Production. If you have never been to this incredible draft horse
sale you can see 75 minutes of it on this DVD. If you have been to
Waverly you might like to see famous and infamous characters who put on
the sale or who have gone to it for many years. A very nice tribute to
the best driving horse sale in the country.
$20 DVD - Sale price is $15 while supplies last. |
Work Horse Handbook
2nd Edition Lynn Miller.
Detailed information on working and hitching draft horses from single to
the multi-hitches. Many diagrams and measurements on the equipment used,
how to run the lines and more. 366 pages, Soft cover. 8 ½
X 11" A must-have book for all teamsters.
+ $14 s/h |
Working Horses Charles Philip Fox A great book
loaded with over 300 historical photos showing how horses did everything
that needed to be done in the early 1900's. 250 pages. Hard cover with
dust jacket. 8 ½ X 11 ½"
$49 |