Draft Horse books
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Horse Drawn Vehicle
We have the world's
largest variety of books and plans for building traditional horse drawn
vehicles, wagons, carts, carriages and/or model vehicles. Click on
Vehicle Plans to see what is available. No online
ordering - call or email for questions or ordering. I am reducing the list
of books I will keep in stock. Let me know if there is something you want
and I will see if I can get a copy for you. |
Susan Green has a new book series -
Encyclopedia of Animal Powered Vehicles. It comes in two large hard
cover volumes for a total of 968 pages. This is a spectacular and very well
researched resource for thousands of vehicles. Only a few left. $245
for the set plus shipping either book rate or Priority. Contact me for
mailing costs to your zip code or country.
For the books below, add
$11 s/h for the first book and $2.00 each additional
unless otherwise noted. These rates are in US Funds to US addresses. Contact
me for price to ship to other countries. No online ordering except with
www.paypal.com. I
accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover or US checks and money orders. |
3D Wagon Reference. Terry A. Moore. Actual 3D images of a
typical farm wagon running gear and box views with gear and what each part
of the wagon is called. Also an Index on parts, Wagon Dictionary and a list
of wagon makers. Terry also sells wagon parts. 25 pages, soft cover
8½" x 11"
$29.95 |
1910 Hayrack by Lloyd Marsden
A complete set
of CAD (computer aided drawing) files are available.
During construction of the Marsden Hayrack, plans for each part were
drawn using the solid modeling program SolidWorks.
Each part is represented by a 3D solid.
Each part model is used to print a scale drawing for fabrication.
From the solid models of the parts the sub-assemblies and
master-assembly are developed. The
files may be used to generate 3D printer files or to generate machine code
for CNC (computer numeric control).
One can make 3D printed models of the hayrack or use the files for
CNC manufacturing of parts. The file
set is available two ways:
3-ring binder
with over 75 printed pages 8.5 x 11” plus three 24 x 36” oversize 3d images
$95 + $12 s/h
Or on a USB
drive for $95 + $9 s/h
19th Century American Carriages Museum of Stony Brook.
Mostly black and white with a few color photos and a chart with colors of
paint used on the vehicles. A great historical reference for the larger
carriage companies and the industrialization's effect on the production,
design and use of horse drawn vehicles primarily in the eastern part of the
USA. 174 pages 8 x 10", soft cover.
Out of print but I found a few copies in good condition. $30 |
Abbot, Downing Co Their catalog & price list from 1895 with pictures
and drawings of their Coaches, buggies and wagons. 32 pages, soft cover 5½
X 8½"
$4.00 |
American Carriages, Sleighs, Sulkies and Carts
Don H. Berkebile Accurate representation of the vehicles used from 1850
-1900 including carriages, carts and sleighs.168 pages 8½ x 9½"
Now out of print but I have a couple used copies in stock $15.00 each +
American Horse-Drawn
Vehicles Jack D. Rittenhouse.
One of the greatest books with a wide variety of buggies and wagons of all
kinds. 8 ½ X 11". The book is out of print - but I have found a few copies
with the dust jackets. Some jackets have slight tears but the book is in
very good condition.
$40.00 gently used
The Art of The Wheelwright.
Dave Engel
This is a two tape set - Evaluating Wheels and Building Traditional Light Wheels, showing
start to finish how to build a wheel with lots of valuable information on
what to look for on an old wheel. This
takes the mystery out of the craft of wheel making. Now on Flash Drive
The Art of Building, Heavy Wagon Hubs Dave Engle
Starting from a rough block to cutting the spoke mortises, boring
and setting the boxing, sizing and setting hub bands, Dave shows each
step with the jigs, tips and pointers. You will understand the design of
the tapered mortise and tenon joing as the spoke fits into the hub, and
more. 61 minutes long. Now on Flash Drive
The Art of Building of Heavy Wagon Wheels -
Showing how
to build on the hubs you have just built from the video above, this
program explains the design of the common wagon spoke and how it is
inherently different than a Sarven spoke, fitting the spoke into the
tapered hub mortises, how sawn section felloes are designed and
installed in contrast to bent felloe halves, how to make sure you have
symmetrical wheels, setting wagon tires and finally putting back the
California rivets. I have only 2
copies of this DVD for $79 + s/h
All of the above videos are now on one Flash Drive for
$199.00 for the collection. $5 to mail.
Axle and
Wheel Terminology: (Part 1)
Industrial Archeology of the Wood Wheel Industry In America by Peter
Haddon Smith. (Part 2) Axle
and Wheel Terminology: (Part 3)
Four CDS of Patents Registered at the United States Patent Office for
Making Axles and Wheels.
(Part 4) Broadside for Axle Gauges. As a bonus a 20 x 26 inch chart is
included folded up with the drawings of 46 patents registered at the
United States Patent for Axle Gauges between 1837 to 1917. On the back
of the broadside there are also an additional 28 patent drawings for
Axle Setters and Axle Straighteners. 522 pages. Only one left!
$90.00 $12 s/h
Bohon's Blue Grass Buggies.
The D.T. Bohon
Co. Harriodsburg, KY. This is the 200 page catalog from 1916 scanned on four
CDs. Extremely detailed with many illustrations of buggies, surreys, spring wagons, pony
vehicles and harness. Color and black and white.
$30 for the 4 cds |
War Caisson, Field Artillery - No.
62. Book is too big to scan, at 11 x 17". Details on the Caisson
including the wood work, irons, bolts, rivets, mails. Complete
details, measurements, drawings and dimensions to help you build or restore
a Caisson. 120 pages soft cover. See the
other plans at Civil War Era
$35 + $14 s/h |
Carriage and Wagon Makers' Machinery and Tools
Kenneth L. Cope As the title suggests this is about the machinery used by
the wagon builders and especially wheelwrights. This may not be of
interest to hobbyist - but this would interest anyone making wheels, or
historians following the industrial age. The book lists many of the machinery
makers alphabetically in 200 pages. 8 ½ x 11" soft cover.
$25.95 + $12 s/h
The Carriage Collection The Museums
at Stony Brook In these pages you can see the various
types of vehicles in production including personal vehicles, Gypsy
wagon, Coaches, Pleasure Driving, Sleighs, Freight & Trade, public
transportation and fire-fighting vehicles. Details include the vehicle name,
maker, date (when known), dimensions and condition of the vehicle. Soft
cover,127 pages. This is out of print but I have two gently used copies.
Carriage Monthly - April 1890 &
March 1891
combined - Loopfront Phaeton,
Omnibus, Wagonette, Vis-à-Vis, Kensington, Cabriolet, Wagon Truck, Laundry
Wagon. $10.00
Carriage Monthly - December 1880
- Top Buggy, Surrey, Physician's Gig, English
Dog Cart, Windsor Wagon, Rockaway & Adams Express Wagon.
Carriage Monthly - August 1881
- Standing Top Wagon, Rockaway, Buggy,
Wagonette, Cutters & Sleighs. $11.50
Carriage Restoration: Here's How.
Vicki Nelson Bodoh, Joe Jennings, Roger Murray, Jerry D. Rider, and
Geoffrey Ryder are contributors to this reprint of the 1983 classic,
Carriage Restoration: Here’s How. This new version has been completely
updated and revised; it contains many black-and-white images and color
Chapters include preparatory work, painting and striping, trimming, and
imitation cane work with many subchapters.
46 pages 8 ½ X 11" Soft cover
$24.95 |
Carriage Terminology Don Berkebile
One of the most important books for your library. Detailed entries explain
the use and appearance of each carriage or wagon with 539 illus. This is the
best book for identifying of almost every vehicle. 488 pages, Cloth bound,
8½ X 11"
$150 + $16 s/h This book is out of print - two left
Carriage Trimmer's Manual: written in 1881 by William N.
FitzGerald, the most comprehensive addition to trade literature on the
subject at the time. For curators and carriage collectors, this in-depth and practical
book is an invaluable resource that provides descriptive text and
illustrations of numerous carriage interiors: from the everyday model to
those suited for royalty. The book describes the complexity of
leathers, silks, laces and range of skills (tufting,
stitching and binding,
welting, fabric selection, etc.) required for this branch of the carriage
trade. It also includes recipes for cleaning, oiling and blacking leather,
polishing metals and restoring ivory, among others. 400 pages. 6 x 9".
Illustrated with B&W pictures and drawings. Soft cover.
$32.95 + $9 s/h |
Collection of Essays on Horse Drawn Carriages & Carriage
Parts Dr. Gordon S. Cantle. Taken from various publications on
carriage design and construction, wheelmaking and other parts, this book is
a technical reference for the serious builder. B&W drawings, 81 pages. Soft
cover. 8 X 12"
Competition Vehicles Walter Lorch A well
illustrated book to assist in maintenance and the construction of
competition vehicles, including metal wheels, brakes & hydraulics. 74 pages.
Hardcover with dust jacket. 8 ½ X 10"
Out of Print
$95 I have one gently used copy in stock. |
Coach Lace for Passenger Vehicles by Susan Green
The most comprehensive book on the subject of a woven textile trim known as
coach lace used for trimming around the upholstery of horse-drawn vehicles,
early automobiles, and early trains. Includes a chapter on weaving it
starting in 1871 to the present weaving of coach lace. There is a
comprehensive list of 18th and 19th century manufacturers and anything that
is known about for both American and Great Britain. The book is profusely
illustrated throughout with color photos of coach lace and how it was used
on upholstery. Includes several 1000 illustrations. Hard cover, 548 pages.
Only a few left in stock by the publisher.
$120 plus $14 s/h
Coson Carriage Collection at Beechdale
Beautiful color photos of an incredible collection of coaches and carriages.
Great reference for painting & refinishing vehicles. Soft cover book in a
hard protective case. 175 pages, 11 X 8"
$65.00 |
The Great Blue Army Wagon Thomas
Lindmier Wagons used and developed by the Quartermaster Department of
the US Army were perfected over the years. The six and four-horse or mule
wagons and the Army Escort Wagon were used from the Revolutionary War into
the 20th century. This book offers the dimensions, drawings, correct paint
colors and harness details. 136 pages, 8 ½ x 11"
$30.00 |
The Gruber
Wagon Works, The place Where Time Stood Still by Carol J. Hunsberger
presented by the Society for the Preservation of the Gruber Wagon Works. If
you are interested in the history of the company - this book is for you.
Hardcover, 196 pages 8 ½ X 11 ¼"
$35.00 |
Harness Racing Vehicles Michael P.
D'Amato, Esq. & Susan Green This is a one of a kind book dedicated to a
variety of two wheel and four wheel vehicles used for racing including the
Road Rider and Speeding Wagons. It is a benefit to the restorer providing
identification tools for almost every historical cart, wagon and sulky known
and there is a list of current tracks. Many wonderful color plates by
Currier and Ives of harness racing . Also construction information, detailed
descriptions of many vehicles, measurements and a fold out Working Drawings
for building an 1885 Sulky. Hardcover 204 pages approx 6 x 8 ½"
$32.50 |
Guide to Wagon Hardware and Blacksmithing Supplies Part of the 1909 Geo.
Worthington Co. catalog of Cleveland, OH. This is a great reference to
identify pieces and parts of wagon hardware and tools. (The cover is
black with gold lettering but it just didn't
scan very good so I used the first page in the book for cover picture.)
202 pages, soft cover, 8 ½ X 11"
$24.95 + $14 s/h |
Vehicles in Miniature The Genius of Ivan Collins, Ron Brentano.
This amazing collection has been re-photographed for this newer, improved
edition. Helpful for model makers to see the finished vehicles and the
colors they were painted. Color photos, 104 pages, soft cover. 9 x 9"
Many of the plans for vehicles in this book are available - click
here to see all the
Hitch Wagons for City Driving
Compiled by The Carriage Museum. This book is full of information on
the hitch wagons and has plans for many types. No other book offers this
much information on the 5th wheel wagons. 392 pages, soft cover, 10 X 12"
$53.00 + $12 s/h
Horse-Drawn Cabs by the Carriage Museum
of America. Now in a three-ring binder of historical facts, engineering drawings,
construction details and turnouts from the 19th century. This book has the
specifications and drawing for the Two-Wheeled Cabs; the Four-Wheel Cabs;
Historical Notes and Turnouts. Most of the information comes from the Carriage
Monthly and The Hub the two leading trade publications from the 19th century.
300 illustrations, 198 pages.
$32.00 + $8 s/h
Horse Drawn Carriage Construction, John Thompson. Structure and
methods of building vehicles from the lumber to painting. Of interest to
carriage enthusiasts and model builder. 76 pages 7 ½ X 9 ¾"
Horse Drawn Carriages
19th Century carriages, plans, Illus and
ads from trade journals in England with detailed information on the
Barouche, Landau, Victoria, Phaetons, Brougham, Gigs and more. 100 pages. 7 ½ X 9 ¾"
$21.00 |
Horse-Drawn Commercial Vehicles, Don Berkebile. Very well
illustrated resource book covering hundreds of 19th century vehicles used in
business including stagecoaches, deliver wagons, fire engines & more. 255
photos & Illus.160 pages. Soft cover 8" X 11"
$19.95 |
Horse-Drawn Farm Implements Part l Ploughs Compiled by
John Thompson No. 3 in a series of sourcebooks. Soft cover 76 pages 7 ½"
x 9 ½". Contains a selection of engravings, plans and descriptions of
ploughs, harrows, horse hoes and cultivators from 19th Century agricultural
encyclopaedias, text-books and manufacturers catalogs."
This series of 4 books are mostly about the British farm implements.
$25 |
Horse-Drawn Farm Implements Part ll Preparing the Soil Compiled by John Thompson No. 4 in a series of source books.
Containing a selection of engravings and contemporary descriptions of
cultivators, horse-hoes, rollers and harrows, reproduced from 19th Century
agricultural books and manufacturers catalogs. Soft cover, 84 pages, 7 ½ x 9 ½"
$25 |
Horse-Drawn Farm Implements Part lll Sowing and Haymaking Compiled by
John Thompson No. 5 in a series of source books. Containing a selection of
engravings, plans and descriptions of horse drawn reapers, threshing
machines, seed drills and other implements from 19th Century agricultural
books and manufacturer's catalogues. Soft cover 80 pages 7 ½ x 9 ½"
$25 |
Horse-Drawn Farm Implements Part lV Harvesting Compiled by John
Thompson No. 6 in a series of source books. Includes many
diagrams of the early types of reapers, threshers, etc. soft cover, 72 pages
7.5 x 9.5"
$25 |
Horse Drawn Farm Vehicles John Thompson. Plans and illustration
on English style farm carts and wagons. 80 pages,7 ½ X 9 ¾"
$21.00 |
Horse-Drawn Funeral Vehicles 19th Century Carriage Museum of America. This is the most
comprehensive book on hearses, undertakers' wagons, embalmers' wagons,
pall-bearers' coaches and florists' wagons, with specifications and engineering
drawings for the different vehicles. There is information on the leading hearse
manufacturers; chapters from the old trade journals and a collection of
engravings from Harper's Weekly and other sources. Also included are
Military Funerals with Caisson and so much more! 800 illustrations, 414
$35 + $12 s/h Back in print for a limited time! It's soft cover this
Horse-Drawn Military, Civilian,
Veterinary Ambulances, Carriage Museum of America. Susan Green has
done it again! Everything you wanted to know about these fascinating,
emergency care vehicles. Part one gathers together the information that had been
printed about the Military ambulances including the harness used. This
will be helpful for the re-enactors. Part two covers the ambulances used from
around 1885-86 for civilian use including specs taken from the trade magazines,
drawings and harness used plus the stories about what it was like to be on a
call. The third section covers the wagons that were needed to help the
sick and injured horses as well as the horse plague, care of the military horse,
and other life and death issues. Soft cover, 370 pages 8 ½ X 11"
$35 + $12 s/h
Horse Drawn Omnibus John Thompson. A small variety
of plans and illustrations from the early 1800's to 1910 on these vehicles
used in England. 80 pages,7 ½ X 9 ¾", Soft cover
$21.00 |
Horse Drawn Sleighs 2nd edition Susan Green, The Carriage Museum of
America. This is the most information you will ever find in one book on
all types of sleighs. Taken from trade publications there are construction
info, dimensions, materials, paint and other details. Load of illustrations
and a few plans. 271 pages. Soft cover, 8 ½" X 11"
$29.95 + $12 s/h out of inventory but this is
the only book about the subject so I will get more in with request.
Horse Drawn Trade Vehicles, John Thompson. Illustrations and a
few plans for a variety of vehicles taken from trade journals in England
about 1894. 7 ½ X 9 ¾" 64 pages Soft Cover
$21.00 |
Horse-Drawn Vehicles Colored Plates from the
Hub, Carriage Museum of America Nov. 1882 - Jan. 1892 A unique collection of 150 colored plates with text
and additional drawings. Limited edition 9 X 12". Hardcover. This book is
beautiful and helpful for paint colors and striping. This is a huge book!
Worth the price! Hard cover with dust jacket.
$125 + $16 s/h Only one left. |
Horse-Drawn Vehicles for Work and Play,
The Collection of Eli H. Anderson at Wagon Land Adventure. From
small children's wagons to large roof seat breaks, rugged stagecoaches to
graceful sleighs, this book represents Eli's passion for a lifetime of
gathering and restoring vehicles. 306 pages full of color photos of
the collection and the history or description of each vehicle. 8½ x
11" autographed copies. The index of photos takes up eight pages! Wonderful
$47.00 |
How I Built a Sheepherders Wagon a Tiny
House on Wheels Robert (Bob) Heavirland. This very informative book
shares the authors steps in building a sheepherder wagon. Full of color
photos and information from the size of running gear, tools, materials,
estimated costs to the inside and outside fabrication. 110 pages, 8 ½ X 11"
Spiral bound.
$32.95 |
How to Build a Bow Top,
Walter Lloyd Step by step instructions for building a full size Bow Top
Caravan. Soft Cover, 30 pages, small but very helpful. 5 ¾ X 8 ½". This book
as been revised and finally available again!
$26.95 currently out of stock
How to Build a Traditional Farm Wagon or Chuck Wagon Fred Hanson.
s. This is a huge spiral bound book with 557
pages, 8 ½ by 11". There are loads of photos (some in color) and drawings,
dimensions, suppliers and a step-by-step how to build everything from axle
setting to water barrels, bows and more. If you are building one of these
wagons - you will want this book!
$95 + $14
s/h |
Hub A reprint of the May 1888 editions with working & drawings for
phaetons, t-cart, Wagonette, one horse express wagon & Piano truck. 10 X 13
$15.00 |
John Deere Wagons Catalog #31. The descriptions, dimensions, capacity
and drawings of the John Deere wagons and gears, boxes and other parts. 52
pages 7 X 8 ½"
$16.00 |
Manual of Falling Bow Tops for Horse-Drawn Vehicles Carriage Museum
of America. This covers everything you wanted to know and didn't
know who to ask about the tops, and covers on the horse drawn vehicles.
440 pages..Soft cover. 8 ½ x 11"
$75.00 + $12 s/h Only one left. |
Manufacture of Carriage Wheels John S. Foggett, The first edition was printed in 1881, the 1892
edition expanded on the information. It
details the making of wheels in
England, the careful selection and processing of
the timber and the construction the wheels; illustrated with four
plates showing some of the simple machines used for making wheels. There is
a chapter on tires that goes into the different tensile strengths of
different metals, and the treatment of. numerous details on the mechanics of
wheels such as dish. Susan Green added a huge Bibliography to
encompass the other half of the book. 5 ¾
x 7 ¾", Soft cover, 136 pages.
$25 |
The Old Reliable The History of the Springfield Wagon Company 1872 - 1952
This is a masters thesis presented by Steven Lee Stepp.150 pages filled
with history, photos, drawings, prices, part suppliers and the vehicles this
company made. soft cover 8 ½ by 11"
$26.00 |
Painted Carts of Sicily,
History on the Road Marcella Croce and Moira F. Harris A
wonderful book full of colorful photos and drawings of these decorative
carts that were pulled by horses, mules and donkeys. The carts (carretti)
were elaborately carved wood and metal parts painted with symbolic designs
and figures. Chapters include the history, makers, drivers in Sicily and
Americas. Soft cover 108 pages. 9 ½
x 8 ½"
$19.95 |
Hitching Horse-Drawn Vehicles, double tree, neck yokes, poles,
singletrees, traces 1833-1910, six (6) CDs $32.00
Horse Shoes and horse shoe making machines, nail making and
related patent drawings $15
Jacks and Wrenches for Horse-drawn Vehicles $15
Springs for Horse-Drawn Vehicles $15
Steps for Horse-Drawn Vehicles $15
tops, dashboards, fenders, foot rests, step pads, whip
sockets, rein holders, chafe irons, curtains, covers, aprons, and more.
Patent Drawings for Two Wheeled
Carts Includes some additional sulkies. CD
Susan Green
has compiled a series of
patented information with about 1,000 patent drawings. Does not include the
patents for cabs and only some of the sulky patents. Includes all the images
for drawings but only the first page of the text. Images are in tif format
on two CDs. $15.00 CDs
Portfolio and Book: Split Hickory Vehicles for 1910,
Ohio Carriage Manufacturing Co, Columbus, Ohio. This book has been out of
print for a while and has just become available again. It was 172 pages but
has been edited down to 104 pages. Lots of illustrations and information
about the carriages and buggies they made, including the individual parts
and different types of harness. Soft cover, 8 ½ x 11 ½"
$45 one copy left
Practical Carriage Building
M. T. Richardson. A reprint
of Volume 1 and 2 in one book. This covers the making and repair of wheels,
making wagons & carriages and a lot more. It is a comprehensive study on
building carriages. 280 pages. Soft cover. 5 ½ X 8 ½"
Private Stable Its Establishment, Management, and
Appointments, James Garland.
This book was originally published in 1899
with the pseudonym "Jorrocks". The 2007 edition is updated with a 24 page
bibliography of newer and rare books on the stable. It has 24 chapters
covering in detail every aspect of the stable from building and figuring out
expenses to the proper turnout of horses for driving and different riding
disciplines. Some of the information can only be found in this book, such as
the making of straw mats or pillikins for decorating the stable. Besides the
exhaustive details on everything to do with stable management, there is
detailed information and illustrations for driving different carriages,
riding side-saddle, riding for men, hunters and hunting, and exhibiting. 630
pages, 50 plates of black and white photographs.
Awesome book!
$199 for the 1976 edition + $12 s/h Out of print. Also see
Rare Books for other editions. |
Restoration of Carriages,
George L. Isles Step by step
instructions for every stage of restoration for the dedicated carriage
restorers whose do finish work for museums, private collections and at
carriage or horse shows. Vital information for the novice or professional
and anyone who wants to produce a high standard of excellence. 190 pages, 7
x 9 ¼" Soft
cover. These are out of print but I have two in stock right now.
Hardcover $75, Soft cover $50 |
Secrets of Wheelwrighting -Tyres
M. C. Hendrickson Most of the wheelwrights I know have consider
this the best book on the subject. This comes from a master wheelwright in
Australia. Soft cover 82 pages 8 ¼ X 11 ¾".
$95 - I have two copies - this will be the last
- they won't be printed again! Order it now! |
Scroll up to see
the new book in the alphabetic listing How I Built A Sheepherder Wagon if
you'd like information on how to build one.
$32.95 |
Springfield Wagons Catalog Number 41
This shows a few of their farm,
lumber, and log wagons, the gears, wheel sizes, weights and prices from
1915. 32 pages soft cover, 8 ½ X 6"
$20 |
Springs For Horse-drawn Vehicles, Susan Green, and Don
Peloubet published by the Carriage Museum of America. This the first
comprehensive book on the subject of body springs on the gears for the
horse-drawn vehicles. Soft cover 254 pages, 9 X 12" profusely illustrated.
Limited to 250 copies.
$40 + $12 s/h |
Stokes & Son Steam Carriage, Van and Waggon Works
This is a facsimile
edition published by John Thompson in 1988 of the 1890 catalog. This company
manufactured a wide variety of vehicles from carts to vans. Well illustrated
with a few dimensions on some of the vehicles. 7 ¼ X 9 ¾" soft cover
60 pages.
$25 |
Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co.
More of their vehicles including the farm,
plantation, ranch, freight, coal, ore log wagons and lumber truck, hand
carts, dump carts, platform spring and dead axle street sprinklers and one
horse sprinkler, ice wagons, light & heavy drays and passenger vehicles. 205
pages, 8 ½ X 11"
$24.95 s/h $11 |
Studebaker Delivery Wagon Catalog #801 A copy of this catalog showing
the vehicles and over all dimensions, and descriptions for commercial use. About 100
pages. Soft cover. 8 ½ X 11"
$15 |
Studebaker Trade Catalog 1911
This looks like a collection of several Catalogs bound together. Studebaker
Wagons #320; Business Medium Grade and High Grade Delivery Wagons #431;
Carriages & Passenger Wagons #432; and World Vehicles #433. About 1” thick.
No total page count, but it is big.
$42.95 s/h $12 |
Supply Wagon, Civil War 1858 model form the US
quartermaster and US Ordnance 138 pages. See more books of plans for
Civil War cannons, limber, etc
$50 + $14 s/h |

“Encyclopedia of Animal-Powered Vehicles,”
Librarian Susan Green has created another master piece of research
material on the animal powered vehicles across the world with the help of
many people. Susan credits Kayo Fraser for the idea that such a book was
needed and wanted. All the resources will be listed in the book.
It was found that probably 80% of the vehicles could have
used more than one name. In the case of a Spring Wagon it could be found
with more than six different names. Different areas of the country might say
Depot Wagon and other areas call it a Station Wagon. Sulky, in America is a
light two-wheeled vehicle for racing and in Australia it is a heavier two
wheeled vehicle for transporting passengers. This is an impressive feat of
research and compilation.
Vol. I - A-H
Vol. II - I-Z
Susan's Encyclopedia of Animal Powered Vehicles is published in two volumes
of 960 pages with about 3,000 images. Sold as a set only.
$200 S/h $11 pre-orders only. Ready to mail in March 2022 |
The Twenty Mule Team of Death Valley, Images of
America. Ted Faye, an historian for US Borax tells the story of
the 20 Mule teams well know for hauling Borax across Death Valley from
1883 to 1888. The book is filled with wonderful photos of the mules, the
wagons, the towns, the drivers and the stories they told. Bibliography included.
128 pages, soft cover. Plans are available -
Two - Wheeled Vehicles for Equine
Carriage Museum of America, taken from the old
Carriage Monthly and Hub magazines. An incredible source of info on the
carts, sulkies, gigs and other 2 wheel vehicles. Lots of scale drawings and
construction info plus historical info. Soft cover. 342 pages.9 X 12".
This book is back in print and a must for your library!
$55 + $14 s/h |
Wagon-Making in the United States
Paul A. Kube with contributions by
Clayton E. Ray & Cathy L. Wegener A study of the Gruber Wagon Works at
Mt. Pleasant, PA from 1885 to 1956. 113 b&w figures, glossary, appendices,
bibliography, index. Soft cover 6 X 9", 264 pages
$22.95 |
The Weber Wagon.
Lots of information about the wagons made for specific parts of the country,
with the specs, equipment and extras, parts and measurements from the Weber
Wagons. 63 pages. soft cover 8 ½ x 11:
$20 |
Wells Fargo Stagecoach, Images of America
Dr. Robert J. Chandler. Historic photos representing the banking
company, the men and women who worked for the company and the stagecoaches
that transported the people, mail and gold. 128 pages, soft cover, 6
½ x 9
$19.99 |
Wheels Across America:
Daniel D. Hutchins Limited edition of 1,000 signed and
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from first printing for $60 each.
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Wheelwrighting II -
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Carriage Museum of America.
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Table of
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